Bailey Brooke

Restore and Reset

Experience total relaxation. That is what I would like to offer you. Massage bodywork is a deep soothing source of healing and restoration for our senses and our soul. Allow yourself a moment to restore and reset, I'll take care of the rest.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been very sensitive and aware towards the emotions of those around me. As a child, I remember feeling when my mother was stressed or tense, and I would massage her shoulders or her hands. The massage and holistic field was the only place I could see myself as I grew older, and I'm very fortunate to be graduating from the National Holistic Institute, College of Massage Therapy this coming May.  

I believe that it is not a luxury to care for your body, but a necessity. Every body is different, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. For this reason, I provide a variety of modalities that I am trained in, specializing each one to suit each individuals needs. Please visit the "Service and Rates" page to see what's best for you.

For questions and to book appointments, feel free to message me by clicking on "Contact Me". All inquiries and appointment requests are responded to within 24 hours. Â